Tales from Two Cities

Tag: film (page 1 of 1)

Pop Culture Corner: Must-See Fall Films



October 23, 2015
Directed by Sarah Gavron



Carey Mulligan
Helena Bonham Carter
Meryl Streep

The timing for Suffragette couldn’t be better. I think it’s an important story and I’m happy to see it being told on screen with three strong female leads. It’s the kind of movie that makes you appreciate the past and feel hopeful about the future. I think Landslide playing in the background of this trailer is making me feel all warm and emotional inside…

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Pop Culture Corner: “Dear Show”



Craig Clayton is the writer and producer of several award-winning short films including, Karkass Karts, A Mail Tale: The Untrolled Story, and Mastodon. When not writing for film he Co-edits and contributes to ‘Dear Show,’ a blog dedicated to television criticism.


Dear “Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp,”

It’s been a long time. I won’t lie, I’ve missed you, and when I learned that I would be seeing you again, I was excited, I was expectant, I was nervous. When I last saw you, you were a shoe-string budget indie flick, made with the reckless abandon of youngsters trying to prove something to themselves and the world. Now you would be returning as a highly anticipated television show with Netflix money on your side. If I’m being completely honest, I wasn’t sure the spark would still be there.


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I & H Spotlight: Genesis Keller

In our first I & H Spotlight, we talk to Genesis Keller, a 24-year-old LA-based teacher with the Teach for America organization.

genesis_imgAditi: Who inspires you?
Genesis: Definitely my mom as well as the other women in my family. I’m also really inspired by what my friends are doing. We make a point to support each other and we’re always bouncing ideas off of each other. The kids I work with inspire me and make me want to be a better teacher and person, overall. They teach me about myself and about what’s important in life. My job in general inspires me because I love that I develop meaningful relationships with my co-workers, and I feel like I’m making a positive impact in the lives of these kids, in some way.

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Connecting Through Film & My Top 5 Bollywood Recommendations

I was born in London, grew up in Tennessee, traveled every few years to see visit family in India, then moved to Washington, D.C., and finally I am somewhat settled in Los Angeles. Along the way, I was lucky to make friends with experiences from all around the world, and I always noticed how entertainment was something that had brought people together. Living within these polarizing environments has given me the ability to observe and understand different groups of people. I have always been fascinated by the way entertainment, whether it’s film, music, or literature, has the ability to transcend cultural and linguistic barriers.

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