Tales from Two Cities

Tag: resolutions (page 1 of 1)

2015: Year in Review

As we move forward into 2016, we’d like to say a quick thanks to everyone who has supported us in our first year. Since our launch date this past June, we have accumulated over 4,800 total views on Island & Hills, with readers in more than 59 countries. We are so blown away by these numbers and truly appreciate your readership and feedback. We have tons of new content in store for 2016 and can’t wait to share this next chapter of Island & Hills with you all. Wishing you & yours a fantastic new year!


Aditi & Maddie

Wish List + Resolutions

I have had a lot of deep thoughts about mortality lately. Probably not the cheeriest way to kick off a post about the holidays, but I’ve promised authenticity on I&H, and that’s where my head has been these past several weeks. These thoughts started with the attacks in Paris, made worse by the threat on New York City, and the shootings in Colorado Springs and San Bernardino. I was taking my life for granted before these events. Now, my frame of mind is different.

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